2010年5月2日 星期日

verbal English sentences

I was trapped in the Shanghai airport for 8 hours. Some dude claimed he had a bomb in his luggage!! Dats some weirdo!

昨天從上海回來時 在機場等了8個鐘頭 居然飛機上有人稱自己行李裡有炸彈!! 恐怖!

Just like old times..i got knocked on my face while playing basketball..this guy kept pushing and grabbing me..so i pushed him bak..and we got into a verbal argument!! But thats whats so fun about the game!! I came back and made the game winning 3 on him!! Wooo!

今天打球臉被小小撞到,對方一直推我,我也推回去 也發生了口角。但這就是籃球好玩的地方!! 我最後在他面前一顆三分定江山!! woo!!

3 musketeers of basketball

lets go for 200,000! 目標 20萬人!

Ipad is some cool shiet
Ipad 滿酷的!

sorry for the messiness...didnt have time to clean up!!

haha 有點亂 哈哈 來不及整理!!

1 則留言:

  1. 0:45 Apr 3rd from Van Ness Wu’s Twitter

    Whether you want to be or not, YOU "ARE" a role model to someone you know! Do the right thing...Love yourself~

    Hate destroys the hater,, NOT the hated.. (Rememba).To carry a grudge is like being stung to death ...

    grudge : a strong feeling of anger and dislike 怨恨

    sting : 刺、螫、刺傷、激怒 pt&pp,stung

    Ever have someone clean your ears? Pretty soothing...and scary at the same time....haha

    Soothing :撫慰的 鎮靜的

    Soothe : V 緩和減輕 soothe an aching tooth

    Soothsay : 預言

    Soothsayer :預言家

    Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other.

    what does it mean to truly love someone...?

    why you guys still up? Go to sleep! GOODNIGHT.COM!
