2010年5月3日 星期一

from Wu

Awesome English sentences
1045 Apr 3rd   from Van Ness Wu’s Twitter
Whether you want to be or not, YOU "ARE" a role model to someone you know! Do the right thing...Love yourself~

Hate destroys the hater,, NOT the hated.. (Rememba).To carry a grudge is like being stung to death ...
grudge : a strong feeling of anger and dislike 怨恨
sting : 刺、螫、刺傷、激怒 pt&pp,stung

Ever have someone clean your ears? Pretty soothing...and scary at the same time....haha
Soothing :撫慰的 鎮靜的
Soothe : V 緩和減輕 soothe an aching tooth
Soothsay : 預言
Soothsayer :預言家

Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other.

what does it mean to truly love someone...?

why you guys still up? Go to sleep! GOODNIGHT.COM!

If my heart is overwhelmed, and I cannot hear your voice, I'll hold onto what is true, though I cannot see....

Y is it that when u sweat, everything jus bcomes more clear...taking getting rid of toxins on a whole new level~ God created us so uniquely!

10:58 Apr 3rd   from Van Ness Wu’s Hypebeast
Should be pretty fun…hope to see you all there. God grant me the ability to choreograph something good. Haha can’t wait. Let’s Go~!!! GOD INSPIRED…NEVER RETIRED…MADNESS~!!!

I came to the office the other day and look what I found waiting to welcome me…
11:09 from Rachel’Facebook

 Hashing today. It's going to be a bit of a bugger as Joe and I are the hares and have laid a pretty long trail. Runners: beware!

14:22 Apr 12th from Van Ness Wu’s Twitter
Christianity was never meant to be recognized by it's disciplines, but instead by it's passions.
6 minutes ago via web Sammi's book on all her artwork....amazing art and writing. The mandarin version a must read!

  1.  Does the media have no dignity? To write things with no truth. I'm very disappointed in man's nature. God give me grace...I laugh at them.
  2. The bride and groom~!!! I have to give a speech soon... 
  3. Congratulations Brandon and Julia!!! God bless ur marriage with a lifetime of (cont)
  4. Wrapped Up Discussions w/ a Major...
  5. Don't let the world steal your feelings...Love, Faith, Live!
Getting back into the recording booth tomorrow~ and no its not for japanese single, nor my chinese...let's GO GOD!!!! WooHoo~ GO4GOD!!!

14:24 Apr 12th  from Van Ness’s Blog Hypebeast
I’m very blessed and honored to have been able to be a part of her new Mandarin album “Faith” coming soon!
Thank you Sammi for reaching out to me on this.
I was so inspired while listening to the song I wrote another version in English the night before recording.
I was up till 5:30AM…it was crazy, right after I finished the first part I paused, because I wasn’t really sure what direction I wanted to take the song.
Then suddenly I blurted out “God what do you want me to write about?” and then BAM!
Words came and flowed and next thing you know I’m done.
God You’re so awesome~ I didn’t finish recording both versions till 3AM the next morning, and that same day had to shoot the music video for it.
I LOVE MY LIFE~ stretched so thin, but completely worth it. Keep an eye out for it~ Had a really good chat with Sammi today, she is an amazingly strong woman. Sammi, you’re Super Duper girl~ God bless you!

16:15Apr 19th from Van Ness Wu’s Twitter

Get short, timely messages from V Wu.
Timely: occurring at just the right time 適時發生的 ;opportune適時的

Twitter is a rich source of instantly updated information. It's easy to stay updated on an incredibly wide variety of topics.

1.      Can't wait for Monday night lights...
2.      God what You want me to do?
3.      Designing again...thank God for my fans...thank you for the pencil sharpener. Haha...coming soon*
4.      Just baptized a fellow GBS'r Taiwan!!! Thank You God! Welcome home Jenny~
Baptize 施洗 Hehad been baptized a Roman Catholic
5.      We can pick to glorify in things or we can pick to glorify in people.
6.      Danny Silk...you are awesome! Just finished reading Culture of Honor. God grant me the wisdom and discipline to follow U and only U, Amen!
Grantconsento give or allow 答應給予
Discipline:訓練、 戒律

7.      Heaven is begging to invade the prison so many people live in, whether it is depression, pain, disease or fear...
Invadeenter with armed forces in order to attack
8.      Educate, Encourage, & Empower yourself. Renew the mind, restore the heart~ Amen.
9.      Darkness covers me like a warm blanket for the light in me burns bright for You, from You, it is... and always will be You. God I love You~! Until we are willing to re-order our thinking, to be renewed in our minds, then yesterday will determine our tomorrow. -Danny Silk
10.  ‎​The more you get to know God, the more you get to know yourself.

